take action
what you can do
Make your voice heard
Write to your local councillor, MSP and MP about the climate emergency.
Review your diet
Buy local produce and consider reducing your animal product consumption.
Cut consumption & waste
Switch to reusable items and buy second hand. Avoid single-use items and fast fashion, and try not to buy more than you need. Repair, borrow and share. Avoid wasting food.
Invest your money responsibly
Consider switching to ethical banks and pension providers to ensure your money is not invested in planet damaging activities.
Respect & protect green spaces
Help look after parks and community gardens, create your own green space or garden at home and plant trees.
Reduce your energy use & bills
Switch to a renewable energy provider, insulate your house, turn your heating down a degree or two, switch off appliances and lights when you are not using them and better yet buy the most efficient products in the first place.
Switch to more sustainable forms of travel
Use more active forms of travel like walking and cycling as well as car sharing or using public transport.
Join a local group
Get involved or volunteer with local groups to tackle climate change.
Take the jump
Spread the word
Talk about the changes you make and inspire others!