Velocity shop
Velocity logo

About velocity

A social enterprise based in Inverness since 2012. We combine three worlds; a vegetarian café, bicycle workshop and range of projects to promote health, wellbeing and sustainability.

  • To increase access to and participation in cycling and other activities, and promote health, wellbeing and sustainability in the local community.

  • Velocity is a social enterprise promoting health, wellbeing and sustainability by:

    • Championing local, healthy sustainable food

    • Increasing cycling and bike maintenance skills and confidence

    • Promoting climate consciousness, repair and reuse

    • Supporting wellbeing, physical activity, and social connection.

    • To raise awareness within the local community of issues around food and waste, repair and reuse, and active travel, through the running of information campaigns and delivery of a programme of activities.

    • To ensure that the principles we espouse around food and waste, repair and reuse, and active travel are embedded in all aspects of the delivery of the Velocity business.

    • To develop and demonstrate meaningful network connections with other local stakeholders relevant to our purposes.

    • To create long-term sustainable fair employment.

    • To operate a financially sustainable café and workshop.

    • To demonstrate meaningful and effective engagement with individuals and community groups around increased bike maintenance skills and confidence, supporting the repair, reuse and active travel work.

    • To demonstrate meaningful and effective engagement with our local community around active travel, sustainable food use, and reuse and repair.


Meet the Team



Paper cutout of people cycling
Velocity stickers
Toy cyclists by shop